Sweden on the Go -
We help your company find qualified international expertise at home and abroad
Through Sweden on the Go, your company has access to over 140+ qualified international consultants located throughout the world, ready to help you expand internationally. Our service is trustworthy and easy to use, as well as being tailor-made to your company needs. We are in the business of Making Trade Happen!
Who is behind Sweden on the Go
Sweden on the Go is run by Make Trade, a Swedish non-profit organisation which promotes trade and business development. The Sweden on the Go platform was launched in 2016 by Make Trade in cooperation with the Swedish Export Service Association and a core of the swedish regional chambers of commerce. See more on Make Trade leadership team here.
During 2017-18, we received support from the Swedish government agencies, Tillväxtverket and Vinnova to develop the platform further. In 2018 the Swedish business member organisations Företagarna, Svensk Industriförening and Teknikföretagen became partners.
140+ qualified international consultants
Today, we have over 140+ qualified international consultants located throughout the world which are active on the platform, offering their services to companies needing expertise to expand internationally. Already in the pilot phase of 2017, Sweden on the Go leads and matchings have resulted in more successful international business for companies. We make trade happen!
Our Partners

Vinnova is Sweden’s innovation agency, strengthening research and innovation in Sweden.

Sinf is the Swedish Association of Industriy, representing SMEs at home and abroad.

The Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth is a Swedish government agency, tasked to be promote entrepreneurship and regional growth, and to implement structural funds programmes.

Företagarna is The Swedish Federation of Business Owners, is the largest business organisation in Sweden representing the interests of around 70 000 business owners. We are an independent, nonpartisan organisation owned by its members.

Teknikföretagen is one of Sweden’s largest employers’ organisations representing Swedish technology companies; with 3,900 member companies, they account for one third of Sweden’s exports.
Contact us
Have a question? Welcome to contact us on info@swedenonthego.se
Contact the board of directors and staff here.
Postal address
Make Trade
Upplandsgatan 49
113 28 Stockholm
Visiting address
Make Trade
United Spaces Business Center
Klarabergsviadukten 63,
Stockholm, Sweden
Terms and Conditions
These are the terms and conditions for the use of Sweden on the Go’s content and services. “Sweden on the Go services” include but is not limited to our websites, e-mail newsletters, mobile device apps, RSS feeds, or any content produced and delivered by SweGo via any medium, now and in the future.
If you use any Sweden on the Go content or service, you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions and other policies as described herein.
Sweden on the Go reserves the right to deny access, terminate registered member accounts or take legal action for violation of these terms and conditions.
Any personal data collected by Sweden on the Go is governed by relevant Swedish law and the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)- see further below. Registered users are entitled to remove their profile or any personal information retained by Sweden on the Go at any time. You remain responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your password and other account details. You may not share your credentials with other people. Sweden on the Go may terminate a registered account at any time if the user misuses its account and membership – see further below. If we do, we will contact you at the email address you have provided during registration.
You may not use Sweden on the Go services to conduct spam, other unsolicited commercial activities, or any other illegal activity.
Sweden on the Go is a product of Make Trade, a registered Swedish Not for Profit organisation – any illegal activity will be dealt with according to Swedish law.
Please notify us immediately if you are aware of any abuse of our services at info@swedenonthego.se
Sweden on the Go houses content, including advertising material, provided by third party commercial partners such as advertisers. Said third parties are responsible for this content: Sweden on the Go accepts no responsibility or liability for this content.
Sweden on the Go content is subject to copyright and may not be reproduced in any form without written approval of the publisher, subject to the provisions of fair use. We request that when quoting from Sweden on the Go content, you include a clear attribution to Sweden on the Go and a link to the original material.
Third-party content published on Sweden on the Go may be subject to copyright held by the third party. Those rights are not affected by these terms and conditions.
You agree not to use Sweden on the Go services to publish material to which you do not hold the necessary copyright, or which you are otherwise prohibited from disseminating.
Sweden on the Go may publish press releases on behalf of its members. You may republish press releases from Sweden on the Go in full or in part, provided you prominently attribute Sweden on the Go as the original publisher, with a link to the original Sweden on the Go page.
If you would like to syndicate or reproduce any Sweden on the Go content, please contact info@swedenonthego.se
You agree that your use of Sweden on the Go services is at your sole risk. Sweden on the Go content and services are provided “as is” without warranty of any kind.
Except for specific requirements by law, Sweden on the Go does not accept responsibility for any damage or loss caused by accessing our services. We take all reasonable measures to ensure that our content is accurate, fair and free of malware but final responsibility rests with you. We take reasonable measures to ensure the availability of our services but have no responsibility or liability for interruptions caused by circumstances beyond our control.
If you have any questions about these terms and conditions, please contact info@swedenonthego.se
You agree that your use of Sweden on the Go services is at your sole risk. Sweden on the Go content and services are provided “as is” without warranty of any kind.
Except for specific requirements by law, Sweden on the Go does not accept responsibility for any damage or loss caused by accessing our services. We take all reasonable measures to ensure that our content is accurate, fair and free of malware but final responsibility rests with you. We take reasonable measures to ensure the availability of our services but have no responsibility or liability for interruptions caused by circumstances beyond our control.
If you have any questions about these terms and conditions, please contact info@swedenonthego.se
Sweden on the Go Privacy Policy and EU GDPR compliance
Sweden on the Go’s privacy policy is to respect and protect the privacy of members of the Sweden on the Go community and affiliates. This policy statement explains how we collect information from you and how we use it. Sweden on the Go will not disclose your personal information to third parties without your consent, except in particular instances, as explained below. However, Sweden on the Go reserves the right to disclose member information when we believe, in good faith, that the law requires it.
The EU’s new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into effect on May 25 2018. The new GDPR provides clarity on how your personal data is processed and protected. The following explains how SweGo stores and uses your personal data in accordance with GDPR.
Which personal data do we have?
We have acquired your data because you have created an account and registered as a SweGo member. We may also have acquired your personal data because you were part of a Sweden pon the Go event, you have signed up for a Sweden on the Go service or to receive newsletters and alerts from Sweden on the Go or one of our cooperation partners.
The personal data we retain and process includes the information you have given us when you signed up for your Sweden on the Go account. This data includes your name, job title, e-mail address, telephone number and potentially also your social media accounts and images of yourself. We also retain and process data from the company you registered on Sweden on the Go, which may include personal data. This data has been registered by you in order for your company to become a Sweden on the Go member. This includes your company address, phone number, website and social media accounts, company logo and other images and company registration number. This also includes the information that you have given us in order to qualify your company for Sweden on the Go and to support your service offering – e.g. proven experience and skill, client references, business membership affiliation.
There are cases where we may ask you for personal information. For example, to complement the information you yourself have given us in order to complete your Sweden on the Go membership account and consultancy profile for publication. We may also need to collect information in order to fulfill services, tracking/verifying compliance with SweGo policies and applicable law etc. SweGo may need to request your credit card information in order to be able to bill you for membership fees or other services or products offered for sale through Sweden on the Go or certain third party vendors. We may provide this credit card information to such third party vendors if necessary to complete your requested transaction.
How do we use the personal and company information that we store?
– Administer your Sweden on the Go membership
– Send out information on business leads and matching opportunities
– Send out information on services and projects
– Send out invitations to events
– Send out information through mail and newsletters
– Share aggregate information about our members with advertisers to customize Sweden on the Go’s content and advertising and to deliver a better service for our members. Sweden on the Go may and will in no way personally identify you when handling the aggregate information for these purposes.
At the bottom of every communication, Sweden on the Go will provide a link that can be used to opt out of receiving any communications from us.
Do we have your consent?
If you consent that we can keep the information we have about you, there is no further action required on your part. But if you no longer want us to store and use your information, please contact us and we will remove all your details from our database – contact@swedenonthego.se. Please observe that you cannot retain your membership and take advantage of Sweden on the Go’s offering if we cannot store and use for our services relevant data on you and your company.